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                          4.4.11 Security

         The security manager is used to define session level
         passwords for other systems. It can also be used to
         explicitly refuse File/Update Requests and Mail from a
         system, and to disable/enable specific protocol and handshake
         options to fine tune your outbound mail sessions.

         Session level passwords are used to protect the receiving
         (called) system in a mail session, and calling system during
         an outbound EMSI session, to ensure that the calling system
         really is what it appears to be. Anyone can setup a Mailer,
         like FrontDoor or D'Bridge and send you mail. If there is
         mail waiting for the address they are using, your system will
         by default attempt to send it.

         You should setup session level passwords for all your common
         mail links, such as echomail distribution systems, etc.

             System      The system address of the remote system. Eg.

             Password    Defines the session level password that your
                         system will present when calling the
                         specified system and the password that your
                         system requires to establish a mail session
                         with the specified system.

                         Note that some systems treat passwords case
                         sensitive, ie. ALLAN is not treated like
                         AlLaN. The Mailer (FD) will treat passwords
                         case insensitive on incoming (inbound) calls.
                         They will, however, be sent EXACTLY as you
                         have defined them here.

                         You do not have to specify a password to use
                         any of the other options.

             FREQs       Whether or not the specified system is
                         allowed to make File/Update Requests (see
                         "File Requests").

             Mail        Whether or not your system will allow the
                         specified system to call your system. Note
                         that by disabling (setting it to "NO") this
                         option, you may be in violation of network

             EMSI        Whether or not you want the Mailer to attempt
                         to negotiate an EMSI session when it calls
                         the specified system.

             FTSC1       Whether or not you want the Mailer to attempt
                         to negotiate an FTS-1 session when it calls
                         the specified system.

             Zap         Whether or not you want the Mailer to use the
                         ZedZap/Zmodem protocol when negotiating an
                         FTS-6 (YooHoo) session. If this is set to
                         "NO", the DietIFNA protocol (Telink/SEAlink)
                         will be used during YooHoo sessions with the
                         specified system.

             YooHoo      Whether or not you want the Mailer to attempt
                         to negotiate an FTS-6 session when it calls
                         the specified system.

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